All Is Good 

When I came to Green Bay I was not ready for how much free time I would have. I thought the only time I would have to get homework done. is the weekend after work. I thought I would have a bunch of homework to do on that day. However I have only three hours of classes a day so I have so much time to get stuff done. I thought I was going to have class all day and not have free time to do homework or study. I get to come back to the dorm and am able to do homework and get the readings I have to get done for that week.

Another thing I was not expecting was. I thought the professors would be more strict and not willing to help. This made me not want to ask for help or ask questions because ninety percent of the professors here want students to pass. If students go ask for help, most of the professors will pick a time to meet to help. There is understanding if students feel like garbage they can say they are missing class they just have to let the professor know. In addition, I have a teacher that if you need help on the homework she will push the due date so she can help and make I understand it before sending me to do it by myself. 

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