What College is Really Like

The weeks leading up to starting college were extremely stressful. I was worried about what my professors would be like, taking notes, homework, studying, and finding time to spend with friends and family. I was expecting very little free time and that classes would be demanding and require a lot of outside work. High school teachers explained to us that college is difficult, time consuming, and stressful. But when I started college, I was shocked by what college is really like.

The first week of college was very relaxed. The first week of classes were just introductions to the class and talking about what will all happen throughout the semester within the class. There weren’t assignments or any homework to do. I was surprised by how relieved I felt and the lack of stress because there wasn’t an overwhelming amount of work to do. I was also extremely worried about being able to take notes from lectures because I tend to miss things when people talk fast. But, contrary to popular belief, the majority of professors give lectures along with PowerPoint presentations. Surprisingly, I also have an abundance of free time because I have good time management skills and work on assignments as soon as they become available. Despite the initial shock of what I thought college was going to be like, I have been thriving in the reality of college life.

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