Understanding My Power

        What life is like for me now as I am not living at home. My life is feeling independent. I definitely have been missing my family. I will always be missing my family but I also have been in college for three years now so I am getting used to the idea of living on my own. Having all of these certain responsibilities on my own is a lot different than in high school. For example I have to make doctor appointments on my own, I have to make money through a job on my own and I have to buy my food from the store on my own. There are just so many different responsibilities and when I was a freshman in college I really felt as if I was thrown out in adult life on my own. Personally my thought is that it has definitely gotten a lot easier throughout the years of life on my own, and I actually am starting to prefer it more than living at home with family.

        There will always be many pros and cons of living on my own and being my own boss. A couple pros about living alone is there are no rules and freedom. Examples of this would be having no curfew, not having to text my parents where I am going all the time, and being able to cook my own meals all the time. A con about living by myself is not having the family support right near you at all times. Another big con would be not being able to sleep in my own bed and feeling comfortable in the comfort of my own home. The last con would probably be not being able to talk to many people. Even though there are pros and cons I still enjoy living alone and being able to feel like my own boss.



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