They Lied. It’s Great!

My expectations were low and negative coming into college. I do not think there were any good things coming from anyone accept my mom and dad. I am going to be in so much debt, it is a waste of time, you can make more by not going, you will not have any time to work, the homework load is horrible. Hearing those things had me feeling like I was making a mistake by choosing to go away to college. Although I heard nothing but negative things from others, my parents said the opposite. They said to not let others discourage me and that I can be on my own and handle whatever is thrown at me. I truly felt like I had to see for myself because what if I hate myself for not seeing what it was like.

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moved in on September 3rd I was told where I would be staying, and my parents moved my stuff in and left right after. I did not know how to feel as I set things up in the dorm. Was I even going to like my roommate? The first week goes by and I have a friend group I have spent time together with every day and I feel good. The second and third week go by, and the workload is not horrible so far and I have a great amount of free time to do whatever I choose. I also was able to get a job at the mall where I work about 3 to 4 days a week. For the experiences that are coming my way with internships my junior and senior year and the volleyball intramural I joined I am confident it will go well. I cannot say It will always feel this easy managing it all, but I am confident enough. I do not even care if I owe some money after its all over because I am going to be well off, and I am going to look back and these four years would have passed me by, and I will not have to say I wish I would have gone. 

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