There Is a Reason Dreams Stay In Your Head

          My expectations of college can be summed up into three words: simple, independent, and hard work. I knew that college courses are very laid out and cut and paste. So, the simplicity came in when I knew what I needed to get done and when. The independence kicked in once I moved out of my house and into my dorm. Finally, hard work is something that is bound to happen when taking a college level course. I know this because of the multiple college level courses I took in high school. The hope was I would wake up, go to class, and do homework every day like clockwork. No procrastination or other devastating factors were going to be in my way of having a first great year of college. 

          Quickly after the first few days of college, I knew my dream of having a great year was backfiring as I became very ill. I suffered from a high fever that gave me hot and cold flashes, inflamed tonsils that were infected, and I had no energy leaving me in bed for the rest of the weekend. Also, the week after that my roommate got into a car accident. This caused a panic as she had no car and had to work in order to pay for college. So, I took time out of my day to drive her from school to work before she got a rental. Since everything comes in threes, the third week of college one of the family dogs got sick and passed away. This was devastating for me as he had been around as long as I can remember and I practically grew up with him in our family. I saw none of these things coming and could not plan ahead for it. So, my expectations did not even come close to my reality.



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