The New Parts of a Beginning

The start of my college life has been nothing less than eventful. I’ve noticed so far that there hasn’t been a day that I did want to talk to someone about it. Every day since the start of college, I have called my mom, my brother or even just sat with one of my friends that I have made here and simply told them about all of the amazing things that had happened that day. That can and does go so many ways whether it is about academics or something that happened, it has always been fun. After 4 weeks of college, it has become nothing that I have expected. My first expectations of college were that I would have no friends, that my roommate would hate me, I would be failing all my classes and so much more. Fortunately for me only of those expectations have come true.

There have been countless reasons why I would call my college experience eventful. Throughout my month here at college, I have already become a member of several clubs and a sorority which has helped me make even more friends. I have never seen myself being into the stuff that I am now a part of but I have also never been happier than I am now. I am doing well in almost all of my classes which is something I never thought I would be able to say because of how many times I was told throughout high school that college is hard and that it is going to completely tire me out. I have let my past and others’ opinions guide me through life by taking control of all of my thoughts and now that I locked that stuff out, I never would have imagined how happy I am and how strong I have become.



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