Reality Check

During my last few years of high school, all I thought about was college. I thought that once I graduated high school and was able to go to college, my life would be so much better. In high school I thought that college would be the place where I would find my people, a place where I would be learning things I wanted to and a place to reach my goal of teaching abroad. Now, I can’t say that I am completely wrong on the reality of college, but it isn’t all rainbows and unicorns like I imagined it would be. For the most part things are going well. I have good professors, a good roommate, and I am doing well when it comes to staying on top of homework.


However, school is still school, and I still find myself not wanting to go to my classes. I still struggle with my mental health, and procrastination. I also miss my home a lot more than I thought I would. I am not going to lie, during my first week of college, I felt like I had gotten hit by a bus. It was rough being in a new place where I didn’t know anyone and didn’t know my way around; I felt lonely and afraid. I was second guessing myself and wondering if maybe this whole college thing was just one big mistake. Thankfully, now that I am getting into a routine and am learning new things, I am beginning to see why I thought college was going to be so much better than high school. I am beginning to see the paths that I could take that could lead to lifelong friendships and accomplishing my goals.

One thought on “Reality Check”

  1. I’ve had a pretty similar experience so far. Overall, I think college is definitely better for me than high school, but its very true that it is still school. While assignments are typically more interesting, I still find myself putting them off in favor of watching TV for hours.

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