New Beginnings

A key life lesson is learning how to tackle the adversity that life brings. At first, I never really thought of college being a big change, I kind of just thought it was going to be breeze. Now, after a month in college I have realized the challenges that college life brings. Adjusting to college has its difficulties, but it also has its perks. No longer having basketball taking up just about all my free time has left me a little bit lost in finding different hobbies to do in my spare time. Throughout high school, I spent anywhere from two to six hours per day playing basketball and working on my skills to become better. Now that basketball has ended, and I am on my own, it has been difficult to find different things to do. This has been the hardest part of adjusting to college so far, and I’m still trying to find different hobbies that I enjoy. So far, I have spent some of my free time playing volleyball, hanging out with friends, watching movies, and of course, studying.

Along with finding new ways to spend my time, adjusting to college has brought me various responsibility tasks that have been difficult. With having independence comes having to do all my laundry, keeping my dorm and vehicle clean, and deciding when to eat on my own and many more. These responsibilities have now been placed on my shoulders, and I am the only one to hold myself accountable. This has required me to adjust and learn how to schedule time out of my day to complete these important responsibilities. So far, I have mainly struggled with keeping up with my laundry and setting the time aside to do it. Making these adjustments clearly has its difficulties, but these challenges will help build a great foundation for my future.

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