Is This Really Freedom?

College life is different for a lot of people. For me, it was a well needed reality check. When I started college I was still the dumb naïve high school student that I was before graduation. I didn’t care about classes, hated needing to go to class, etc. What made it worse was the fact that, unlike high school, I could actually skip classes. The effect this behavior had gave me a well needed reality check that hit harder than anything I’ve ever felt.

Reality Check Quiz: What Kind of Reality Check Do I Need - wikiHow

College wasn’t mess around and do whatever you want, the place I thought it was going to be. Like some people, I thought college was going to be nothing but parties, messing around, having fun, and didn’t even think or remember that it is still school, and in order to stay you have to actually do school. Though you do gain a little more freedom versus the freedom you had when you still lived with your parents, college shows you how much freedom you gain. Which in all honesty is not that much. You have more responsibilities, less free time, the only real freedom you get is the ability to choose what you want to do, versus what the school or your family want you to do. But even then there are still required classes you are forced to take, by the state, in order to graduate. The freedom we all hoped and sought for wasn’t exactly what we imagined.



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