The NAS Heirloom Plant Sale is an annual sale that raises funds for student research projects in the sciences and for travel funds so that students can attend scientific meetings. The sale is organized and run mostly by volunteers and supported by the Cofrin Center for Biodiversity and the Natural and Applied Sciences Department.
This year the plant sale will be on Saturday, May 15. the doors open at 9 am, but we start handing out numbers at 7:30. That way you can go get breakfast instead of standing in line.
So what will we have for you? Of course there may be problems with germination etc., but we are planning to sell the following this year:
- peppers (sweets, bells, hots, ornamentals, habaneros)
- tomatoes (every color and every size)
- cucumbers
- eggplants
- broccoli (new this year)
- herbs including 4 types of basil, hyssop, stevia, and borage
- lettuces
- 3 or 4 types of flowers
Stay tuned. I plan on providing more information about how we grow the plants, give some gardening tips on heirlooms, and present some of our past awardees.