Herps seen on the STRI Panama Research Expedition

One of the theories put forth on why there are more species around the equator when compared to other temperate/arctic ecosystem has to do with the high temperature and humidity. It was hypothesized that warmer temperature and higher humidity around the equator allows for more species of organisms to flourish. Reptiles and amphibians are two families that support this hypothesis. Generally, as one gets closer to the equator, reptiles and amphibians (hereafter, herps) do become more abundant.
One of my interests/goal on this research project is to catch/see as many herps as possible and try to identify what species they are. Although most of the herps are not yet identified, I will list each species that was spotted either by myself or another member of our group. Later, after identifying the species, I will post some pictures along with a brief description of each on this blog.
Bocas Del Toro:
1. Caimen (Caimen de anteojos?)
2. Toad (?)
3. House Gecko (?)
4. Yellow-headed Gecko (Limpiacasa cabeciamarilla)
5. Red Poison Arrow Frog (?)
6. Aquatic Turtle (?)
7. Common Anole (Lagartijia del sotobasque)
1. Black snake (?)
2. Ameiva (?)
3. Common Treefrog (?)
4. Cane Toad (Sapo comun)
1. Golden Leaf Frog (?)
2. Small Treefrog (?)
3. Black Vinesnake (?)
4. Forest Toad (Spatito de hojarasca)
5. Common Basilisk (?)
6. Common Rain Frog (Ranita de lluvia)
7. Common Dink Frog (Martillita commun)
8. Striped Rocket Frog (Ranita de hojarasca)
9. Salamander (?)
As the research continues, more species (hopefully) will be added to this list to be identified along with a few pictures of each if possible.