Square feet and Rent are related; so are Number of bedrooms and Rent

In the following example we have one x variable and one y variable. X variable is square feet and y variable is rent. And we find that square feet is significantly related to rent.

The coefficient table in the output above shows that the p value associated with the t test for square feet is less than alpha (i.e. less than .05) at .004. That means that we have the evidence to conclude that square feet is significantlly related to rent.

Now I am going to run the model with just number of bedrooms  and rent.


Even though the data set above shows three variables – two x vand one y, in the analysis however I have selected Rent as the y variable and Number of bedrooms as the x variable. I have not included Sq Ft in the following analysis.

And it appears that number of bedrooms is also significantly related to the rent. The p value is less than alpha i.e. .05 thats why we can say so.

The p value for number of bedrooms is .019 which is less than .05 hence we can conclude that Number of bedrooms and Rent are related.

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