  1. When did you graduate? May 14th, 2011
  2. What do you do now? I am the Data Analyst for a non-profit organization in DC called NASPA – Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education.
  3. Why did you major in psychology? Psychology was the right fit for me to explore and find an answer to some of big questions I had at the time. Specifically, I was interested in twin phenomena and curious as to why twins were (and are) used for behavioral/genetic research studies? Psychology was a natural fit for my interests.
  4. What do you do for fun? I love to immerse myself in new experiences so you can find me exploring museums, trying new hobbies, enjoying new foods, and traveling to new places.
  5. What academic experience or accomplishment are you most proud of?Coming into UWGB I was terrified of failing out of college. Fortunately, I was placed in a first-year seminar class and soon found myself thriving in college academics. I am proud of the fact that I had the opportunity to assess the UWGB first-year seminar (FYS) program with Dr. Bartell and other research assistants, as well as land a graduate assistantship at the National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience and Students in Transition during my Master’s program. I am so proud of all of my FYS experiences!
  6. What’s your favorite movie, book, and TV show, related to psychology? If I had to pick one for each: Movie – Fight Club; Book – Look Me in the Eye: My Life with Asperger’s by John Elder Robison; and TV Show – Being Human (both UK & US TV series).
  7. What’s an important goal or accomplishment you are currently working on? Right now, I am in the process of improving NASPA’s post-conference evaluation instrument and am looking to connect future post-evaluation data with member data (including other events they’ve attended, other ways they’ve engaged with NASPA through social media, purchasing merchandise and books, etc.). This is a BIG project, but it will be wonderful to connect member engagement outside the snapshot a post-evaluation captures; I am hopeful to capture a more comprehensive picture of NASPA members and how we can improve their experience in a professional organization.
  8. What else do you want people to know about you? I have a twin sister (thus the interest in twin phenomena) and after UWGB, I went on to get my Masters of Education in Higher Education and Student Affairs from the University of South Carolina.